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Bennett Media's SPOOKY PUSSY

Well it's noon, Summerfest is over. And so now, ghouls and ghoulettes, it's into the next celebration - and it is a wet-ass one.

If you're reading this, congratulations: you've made it to the Season of The Witch. (And so you may all commence with your "Don't forget to wear your masks" jokes.) We can't be certain just yet (even though we are) that the rules and restrictions of a traditional Halloween Night won't be compromised, but that shouldn't affect your festivities for the next six weeks. (You weren't going trick-or-treating anyway, so stfu.) But we don't let nobody tell us when to be happy - and we're plenty happy 'bout being here today to present to you Bennett Media's SPOOKY PUSSY! (But in Italian, it sounds much nicer.) Until the big day, we're doing nothing but scary stuff, so between here and Facebook, be sure to keep checking in for your fix of madness, macabre, and other m-words. And if you feel like spreading some joy during these trying times, make sure your friends & relatives get in on Spooky Pussy while the gettin's spooky.

Here's a preview of what's to come. And oh yeah, don't forget to wear your masks.

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