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No Need To Hurry

"Writing in the midst of a busy season--and what season isn't busy?--I think about the increasing tensions and pressures in our world, and in our bodies, minds, and spirits. It seems to me that never has our haste, hurry, and impatience been as marked as it is now. I sometimes feel that we are like sheep rushing headlong off the edge of a cliff into some bottomless abyss."
Faith Baldwin in 1956's Face Toward the Spring

"Nature is never in a hurry. She stages storms, floods, hurricanes--and sometimes we feel she is acting according to a sudden whim…But in reality, beyond the small deviations, the cycle is much the same: a slow, steady growth, a slipping from season into season in an orderly way."

"I know that I must slow down, for reasons having nothing whatever to do with physical health. Of course such a slowdown is an aid to an overworked heart or a soaring blood pressure. It is also a help against rapid aging. But I think of it as a spiritual remedy."

"I believe that everyone must learn to discipline his own drive. It is like having a team of horses--either you drive them--or they drive you. If you give them their heads, you find yourself with runaways on your hands--and runaways can carry you to disaster."

"There is no need to hurry. We have Eternity."

[All quotes above by Faith Baldwin in her 1956 Face Toward the Spring.

All photos by Dewena who is trying to learn from Faith Baldwin.]

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