Faith Baldwin in 1956's Face Toward the Spring
"Nature is never in a hurry. She stages storms, floods, hurricanes--and sometimes we feel she is acting according to a sudden whim…But in reality, beyond the small deviations, the cycle is much the same: a slow, steady growth, a slipping from season into season in an orderly way."
"I know that I must slow down, for reasons having nothing whatever to do with physical health. Of course such a slowdown is an aid to an overworked heart or a soaring blood pressure. It is also a help against rapid aging. But I think of it as a spiritual remedy."
"I believe that everyone must learn to discipline his own drive. It is like having a team of horses--either you drive them--or they drive you. If you give them their heads, you find yourself with runaways on your hands--and runaways can carry you to disaster."
"There is no need to hurry. We have Eternity."
[All quotes above by Faith Baldwin in her 1956 Face Toward the Spring.
All photos by Dewena who is trying to learn from Faith Baldwin.]
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