is unsettling...
difficult to process....
I was worried for the safety of our friends who live in the South of France
so I sent off a couple of emails before retiring to bed.
When I woke up I went to the computer and read the emails from our friends confirming they are safe...
Sunshine shining through the freshly cleaned windows was a welcome gift.
The birds were chirping and the garden beckoned...
I took my coffee outside and wandered in The Humble Bungalow Garden...
I am going to take you along too.
Limelight Hydrangea
Fisherman's Wand
Limelight Hydrangea blooms are quite large.
Calla Lily
The flowers and birdsong are calming...
I understand that
world events are beyond my control.
All I can do is control my own reactions to these events.
My current novel...
sitting quietly reading with a cuppa on the porch.
This lovely Hollyhock is blooming in a garden nearby...
The delicate crepe papery petals reminds me of our Romneya Coulteri.
Romneya Coulteri
I find solace when I am immersed in domestic routines
like polishing silver,
weeding the garden
cooking in the kitchen.
~ Stuffed Peppers ~
Two recipes popped up at the top of my google search for stuffed peppers
I added some other ingredients that I had on hand.
Halve the peppers and remove the seeds.
Cooked rice
sun dried tomatoes, corn, olives, basil, onions, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, garlic
Mix to blend in a bowl.
Stuff the peppers
top with tomato sauce and grated cheese.
Chill until time to bake.
Cover loosely with foil
Bake at 350 degrees for 50-60 minutes.
"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries.
Without them humanity cannot survive."
~ Dalai Lama ~
Chester looking rather relaxed on the front table in the entry hall.
He uses the wicker chair behind him as his scratching post.
He is a naughty boy, but is so cute that he gets away with it!
~ Be Well and Be Kind ~
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