Unleash the Villains!
Design a villain, likety-split. From Voldermort to Vader, they all had to start somewhere, so grab your dice and get rolling... and remember, “Here’s, Johnnnnyyyyyy!!!!!”
Names and Titles/ what they call themselves/ what others have labelled them
1) The Aberrant
2) The Despotic
3) The Tyrannical
4) The Father of Lies
5) The Ageless Evil
6) Lord of the Timeless Seas
7) The Abominable
8) The Bile-Bearded
9) The Destroyer
10) Lord Fell Heart
11) The Desolate
12) Victor of Karn
13) The Despoiler
14) Count of the Embers
15) The Corpse King
16) The Bloody Bear
17) Of the Dark Conclave
18) Of the Feasting Sabbath
19) The Beast from The East
20) Lord of Carrion
21) The Artificer of Evil
22) The Avenger
23) Lord of Ill-Omen
24) The Barbarian
25) The Carouser
26) The Coffin Filler
27) The Un-Dead
28) The Beggar
29) The Baroque
30) Duke of Bedlam
31) The Chaotic
32) The Bastard
33) The Wanderer
34) The Zealot
35) The Belligerent
36) The Berserker
37) The Castrator
38) The Vile
39) The Decimator
40) The Insane
41) The Torturer
42) The Defiler
43) The Soulless
44) The Avatar of Hate
45) The Diabolic
46) The Violent
47) The Shunned
48) The Orgasmatron
49) The Depraved
50) The Sadistic
51) The Celestial Void
52) The Skulker
53) The Wicked
54) The Superstitious
55) The Bellicose
56) The Villainous
57) The Wasteful
58) The Scurried
59) The Treacherous
60) The Treasonous
61) The Rat-faced Bastard
62) The Triumphant
63) The Blasphemer
64) The Phantasmagorical
65) The Blain
66) The Hand of Doom
67) The Slug
68) The Wicked
69) The Bewitching
70) The Cannibal
71) The Pettifogger
72) The Eternal
73) The Deceiver
74) The Vicious
75) The Throttler
76) The Zealot
77) The Maniacal Martyr
78) The Deviant
79) The Bigot
80) The Vulgar
81) The Supplanted
82) The Lord of Discord ( sounds like a rapper)
83) The Spinner of Woe
84) The Canker
85) The Pale
86) The Defiler
87) The Maniac
88) The Bane
89) The Night
90) The Blighted
91) The Dark
92) The Terrible
93) The Horrific
94) The Boastful
95) The Poisoner
96) The Boorish
97) The Megalomaniac
98) The Strangler
99) The Bogy
100) The Rot
Vile Villainous Pets/something to stroke other than their vile ego/ what’s draped around their person or their throne/ something to amuse them/henchmen/minions/lackeys/ or someone to cater to their every whim/ a strange and peculiar confidant/consigliere
1) A Giant Black-Widow Spider
2) A pet Imp ( with its wings clipped) that rides everywhere on their shoulder
3) An un-dead parrot that squawks maggots constantly
4) The severed head of his greatest rival. He carries it around by the hair and uses its mouth as a purse.
5) A Zombie with its head and hands sewn on backwards (not sure how handy that would be, to be honest)
6) A servant, with eyes sewn open and mouth sewn shut
7) A squire with an extra arm growing out the centre of his chest
8) A longhaired cat
9) A shorthaired eunuch
10) A leaking leper
11) A shaved goblin on a chain addicted to dream-weed
12) A Displacer Beast
13) A muzzled Cockatrice
14) A blind medusa
15) A pack of dancing Ghouls
16) A Fallen God
17) A Tattooed Ape
18) A bearded lady
19) A blink dog with no eyelids
20) A Hypnotic Crab
21) A bound Demon
22) A withering Dryad
23) A smoke elemental
24) A bunch of multi-coloured Gas Spores tied to the back of the throne
25) A nefarious Nixie
26) A pack of feral Hellhounds
27) A ring of plague rats
28) A head in a jar
29) A harlequin in a brightly dyed suit of flesh
30) A mind flayer with hobbled tentacles under a cap of anti-magic
31) A Hooded Naga
32) A nine-legged Octopus
33) An arthritic and caged Pseudo-dragon
34) A three-headed hag (old, older, oldest) (ugly, uglier, ugliest)
35) A fungus of fanged shriekers
36) A choir of possessed angels that repeat everything the villain says, in song
37) A troll with no arms that can’t regenerate
38) An armoured tiger
39) A cannibal shaman
40) Any were-creature
41) A face dancer
42) A troupe of psychopathic mimes
43) A murder of serial killers
44) A miniature T-Rex
45) A djinn of the fire lands
46) A three-headed war-dog, on a leash made from chainmail
47) A drug addicted moth man
48) A neurotic star-whore
49) A single Vampire
50) A writhing parcel of vermin
51) A phlegm Golem
52) An un-dead sacrificial lamb
53) A leprous Lizardman
54) A walking cactus man
55) An Invisible Stalker
56) A black panther
57) A Minotaur
58) A quiver of Quasits
59) Three Ogre Magi from the East
60) A pool of Shadows
Calling Card/Trademark signature/how you know you missed them when you were out
1) A pool of blood
2) A severed penis nailed to your door
3) A black rose on your pillow
4) An apple core
5) A sand-timer that’s still flowing
6) A handful of teeth on the floor
7) A freshly boiled and whitened skull
8) A hand-carved jade pawn
9) A Tarot Card
10) The jawbone of an ass
11) A bloody blade with hairs sticking to the blade
12) A hang-mans noose
13) A burning black candle
14) An axe embedded in the door
15) A persons head in your bed
16) A floating robe gesticulating out the window
17) Your place of residence/rent/ is trashed
18) The Ace of Spades
19) A dead bird
20) A carved pumpkin
21) A wasps nest
22) Scrimshaw
23) A wooden stake
24) A pound of flesh
25) A letter ( which would be the obvious choice really, but not as much fun as the others)
26) A monocle
27) A severed head
28) Thirty pieces of copper
29) A dead rat and a string to swing it with
30) A small flower from the highest slopes of Mount (insert something sinister here)
Visible Marks/Identifying/curious markings/ what sets them apart/ roll one or two and tweak for variety
1) Eyes i.e. one red eye, one blue eye?
2) Tongue i.e. A tongue like a snake ?
3) Character i.e. A shady disposition?
4) Scars i.e. from knave to chop?
5) Limbs i.e. an extra digit?
6) Hair i.e. doesn’t have, has too much, strange colour, compostion is muscle? Seaweed?
1) Foppish
2) Regal
3) Gallant
4) Slumming it
5) So last season
6) Ready for war
7) Ready for bed
8) Studious
9) Slovenly
10) Stylish
Interests/ how they make their money
1) Prostitution
2) Drug Smuggling
3) Arms Trader
4) Slaver
5) Illegal Alcohol
6) Gambling
7) Money Lending
8) Robbery
9) Extortion
10) Protection Racket
11) Fake Religion
12) Exotic Animal Trading
Kryptonite/ weaknesses/ what they fear/ what hits them where it hurts
1) Salt
2) Roses
3) Silver
4) Wolfs bane
5) A witches toenails
6) Moonlight
7) The eyes of a dead man
8) A diamond dagger
9) Water
10) Whistling
11) A Cauldron of cold iron
12) A man not of woman born
13) Holy Water
14) A woman not of man born
15) Quicksilver
16) Holy Ground
17) Running Water
18) Sunlight
19) Aurora Borealis
20) Ink
21) Semi-Precious Gems
22) Malachite
23) Horn
24) Feathers
25) An Elephant’s eyelash
26) Snakeskin
27) Mirrors
28) Stardust
29) Their real name
30) Garlic
What they are famous for/ how they made their bones/street cred/
1) Turning people into pillars of salt
2) Patricide
3) Matricide
4) Deicide
5) Infanticide
6) Killing the first born
7) Decimation
8) Torture
9) Genocide
10) Wholesale slaughter/massacres
Steeds and modes of Transportation/ how they get around/secretly or otherwise/ magical or mundane
1) A Palanquin
2) A Coffin
3) A Gibbet
4) A Covered Wagon
5) A Black Unicorn
6) A Stagecoach
7) In through the out door
8) A Summoning circle
9) An Un-dead Warhorse
10) A blood red Charger
11) A Black Arc
12) In the Arms of a Djinn
13) A flying carpet made from virgin skins
14) Standing on the shoulders of giants
15) On a sled behind a pack of were-wolves
16) Walking
17) The doors of perception
18) On the sad wings of destiny/ real or otherwise
19) By Camel
20) Dragon
The names of their gangs/posse/crew/unit/outfit ( all taken from previous post)
1) The Crabs
2) The Dead Unicorns
3) The Scarlet Sceptres
4) The 40 Thieves
5) The Leaking Lepers
6) The Dripping Dogs
7) The Undead Uglies
8) The Rancid Rats
9) The Crows Roads
10) The Long-Odds
11) The Peg Legs
12) The Penitent Rascals
13) The Leering Shadows
14) The Pig Stickers
15) The Beaten Path
16) The Pall Bearers
17) The Plague Rats
18) The Swarm
19) The Purple Tongue
20) The Plague
21) The Fleas of a 1000 Camels
22) The Bashful Brawlers
23) The Nosy Parkers
24) The 1000 Lashes
25) The Dungeon Dockers
26) The Flies
27) The Midden’s Salute
28) The Busted Pustules
29) The Poisoned Wells
30) The Funeral Pyres
31) The Pus Boys
32) The Gutter Snipes
33) The Stormy Seventy
34) The Outhouse Heroes
35) The Rotting Corpses
36) The Phlegm Mongers
37) The Rancid Heathens
38) The Burning Crotches
39) The Bad to the Bones
40) The Yawning Abysses
41) The Trolls Head Trawlers
42) The Swollen Throats
43) The Splutter Butts
44) The Grave Diggers
45) The Spoiled Sausages
46) The Vipers
47) The Lead Bit
48) The Saddle Sore
49) The Piss Heads
50) The Fey
51) The Comrades
52) The Infected
53) The Bloody Fists
54) The Flaming Knots
55) The Grinning Deaths
56) The Dagger Kids
57) The Smiling Savages
58) The Killing Kind
59) The Sewerage Barrels
60) The Spores
61) The Witches’ Teats
62) The Misfortunes
63) The Swamp Breath Bastards
64) The Deaths Head Boys
65) The Massacres
66) The Spawn Singers
67) The Flotsam and Jetsams
68) The Spiders Web
69) The Goats Head Stompers
70) The Hangman’s Helpers
71) The Pay the Pipers
72) The Axe Man’s Associates
73) The Golden Bones
74) The Gambling Nuggets
75) The Jugglers
76) The Rusty Crowns
77) The Ancient Mariners
78) The Bleeding Gashes
79) The Rictus Rovers
80) The Piggery Plucks
81) The Manacled Many
82) The Chimney Sweepers
83) The Devils Dozen
84) The Power Slaves
85) The River’s Head Scoundrels
86) The Heroes Lament
87) The Nee’r do Wells
88) The Ousted Brutes
89) The Lucid Skulls
90) The Brawny Weathers
91) The Black Toothed Grins
92) The Nursery Nightmares
93) The Occult Riders
94) The Rovers Biscuits
95) The Rascals
96) The Swollen Gums
97) The Orcs Tooth Normals
98) The Middlemen
99) The Dwarf Hoppers
100) The Melee
101) The Looters
102) The Four-and-Twenty Blackbirds
103) The Liturgies of Hate
104) The Headless Hollows
105) The Flickers
106) The Lazy Eyes
107) The Iron Rations
108) The Doom Sayers
109) The Infernal Volk
110) The Freebooters
111) The Bootstrap Boys
112) The Fare’ thee Wells
113) The Flailing Men
114) The Slaughter House Five
115) The Lesser Parts o’ Valour
116) The Hounds o’ Hell
117) The Beasts from the East
118) The Giblets
119) The Troll Booths
120) The Beasts of Burden
121) The Lantern Swifts
122) The Roasted Hogs
123) The Swaddled Runts
124) The Buried Alives
125) The Cracked Chapter
126) The Wyrms
127) The Zombies
128) The Crooked Staffs
129) The Blood Bath Brethren
130) The Grudge Matches
131) The Eyes o’ the Beholder
132) The Bad-hat Badgers
133) The Drunken Stupors
134) The Hard Scrabbles
135) The Coffin Kids
136) The Death Dealers
137) The Ferryman’s Few
138) The Barbary Apes
139) The Anarchy Eleven
140) The Brewers Droop
141) The Buckled Helms
142) The Fool and his Monies
143) The Taxmen
144) The Fatted Calves
145) The Chaos Elite
146) The Sooth-Sayers
147) To the Manor Borns
148) The Shamans
149) The Soliloquists
150) The Seventh Sons of a Sevenths Son
Also from a previous post for ease of reference/ where they call home
1. In a monastery where the inhabitants fell to darkness and ate one another
2. In a cave atop a mountain of skulls
3. In a lair, under a graveyard, accessible through a disused crypt
4. In an abandoned stone giants fortress
5. In a series of underwater caves, accessible through the bowels of a sunken ship
6. In an abandoned tin mine at the heart of the ashen wastes.
7. In the desiccated remains of a gingerbread house deep in the black forest
8. Under the bleeding roots of the world tree
9. On the back of a giant turtle swimming through the void worlds
10. In a ruined temple surrounded by the carven effigies of fallen gods
11. In a cave at the heart of a malarial swamp
12. In an abandoned red dragon’s lair amid the dragon’s bones
13. In a ruined castle atop a cliff looking out over a storm wracked sea
14. In an abandoned tower on the surface of the war-moon
15. In the ribcage of a fallen god
16. At the heart of the silent void
17. On a chain of floating icebergs out on the sea of madness
18. In a tiny city trapped in the tears of a falling angel
19. Halfway down the bottomless pit, on the left, just ask for Meneer Evil
20. In a parallel universe accessible through a witch’s eye
21. In the hollow hills
22. In the cold, dark, wastes on the outskirts of the known universe where the lords of suffering dwell
23. In a tower of rotting flesh under a sky of writhing maggots
24. In a strange world trapped within the pages of a necromancers rambling diaries
25. On the back of the world-whale swimming in the primordial sea
26. On a island once used as a leper colony
27. At the bottom of a cup once used to capture the god-king’s blood
28. In a hut at the end of the world surrounded by the ghosts of suicides
29. In potter’s field
30. In leaking catacombs beneath the plague pits
31. In a jungle clearing at the top of a long, dark river, at the heart of the elephants graveyard
32. In the bleached skull of a colossal Tyranadragon
33. In a black crystal cave
34. On an island made of skin floating in a sea of blood
35. In a child’s endless scream trapped forever in the nightmare lands
36. In an alchemists laboratory
37. In the dried thorax of the mighty scarab beetle
38. In a castle of broken bones on the floodplains of the apocalypse
39. In a fifty story poisonous death’s head mushroom
40. In a city of hardened glass beneath a lake of bile
41. In the belly of the beast
42. In the bottom of the crater made from the fall
43. In the frozen wastes of the back of beyond
44. In the eye of the hurricane
45. In tunnels under a dormant volcano
46. Somewhere south of here
47. On the plains of Leng in the shade of an arch demon’s wing
48. On a perch in the Place of skulls
49. In an iron Fortress surrounded by fields of the fallen
50. In a giant kraken’s shell at the bottom of the seven seas
51. Anywhere where angels fear to tread
52. At the heart of the blazing, towering inferno
53. Behind the face in the mirror
54. In a giant cave behind a waterfall of woes
55. In a sprawling tent city made from hides of murderers on the banks of the river Alph
56. In the valley of death
57. At the centre of a labyrinth made from muscle
58. In the hollowed-out centre of a giant hangman’s tree
59. Inside the rusted body of a colossal automaton
60. In a pyramid of fire out beyond the dune seas
61. In the swirling hollows of storm clouds
62. Over the edge of the horizon in the first blush of night
63. Inside an egg floating on the memory of tomorrow
64. At a corner table in the back room of a tavern run by vampire assassins
65. In a secret dungeon under the ruling kings castle
66. In a colossal wicker-man surrounded by a sea of corn guarded by a scatter of scarecrows
67. Sitting in the black lotus position atop a red marble monolith that can only be seen out the corner of your eye
68. Behind a curtain of freshly flayed flesh at the heart of the eldritch emerald city
69. In tunnels leading out from the bottom of a disused well
70. Lying supine on the floor of an opium den run by degenerate gamblers
71. In a dock-side hostelry for retired sailors owned by an undead pirate king
72. In a Bedouin tent at the centre of a sandstorm
73. In a secret cove on top of a limestone pillar hundreds of feet tall
74. In a floating ship called the Marie Celeste
75. In a series of interconnecting purple worm tunnels
76. In a mined out mountain shaped like a troll’s skull
77. In a wrecked ship, washed ashore, on the skeleton coast
78. In an ice cavern surrounded by blizzards, giant polar bears, and undead frost giants
79. In the tomb of a thousand liars
80. In a fortress built in the likeness of the horned one
81. On a floating island made from the bones of sea birds and slain albatrosses
82. In the pleasure-dome of Kubla Khan
83. In an observatory on the banks of the sunless sea
84. In a dwelling made from the stalks of diseased wheat surrounded by a plague of locusts
85. Second black hole on the right, straight on till midnight
86. On a pile of freshly slain ogres amidst a halo of flies
87. In a subterranean ossuary made from unicorns skulls
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